A Guide to Flexible Diet

In case you want to lose fat, maintain weight or gain muscle.


Frequented asked question from people who are starting the Flexible Diet

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Photo by Arek Socha from Pixabay

Should I add my exercises in the MyFitnessPal App?

No. Use MyFitnessPal app to keep track of your macros.

How do I get Started?

Before you start the flexible diet, I suggest you to track your food that you are normally eating and add on the MyFitnessPal app. Do this for two weeks. See how many calories you are eating and compare with how much is your ideally amount which depends on your goal. For example, if you are eating 2000 calories but you want to lose weight. The app says that you need to eat 1500 to lose weight. One good way to start is by decreasing 50 to 100 calories every week. Go slow!

Should I measure foods raw or cooked?

Preferentially raw. Then you can add the sauce separately on the app.

How do I know that I am making progress?

The mirror and clothes are the best way to know if you are making progress. Another one is body tape.

Do I have to weigh my food forever?

No. After a while, you will understand the right proportion of most foods for you. You will be familiar with foods that make you feel more full. After doing for over a year, I keep track just of some foods like Nutella, cheese, cereal.